Are You In Pain ?

Pooja Anand

Do You Have Chronic Pains ?
Do You Get Angry ?
Is it Your Anger or Some Other Emotion ?

While Anger is a Common Human Emotion, more often than not it is an Unintended Secondary Response. Our Real Emotion is What We Feel Immediately Before Anger Takes Hold Of Us.

Crystals For Work Place…

Pooja Anand

It is important to have a serene work environment to feel content and fulfilled, since this is the place where we spend most of our time.

The physical space we work in also needs to resonate well-being with lots of light and proper furnishings along with the removal of cyber “smog” which is found in the electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) coming from our computers, cell phones and other machines.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to create such a space, read Tips on Creating a Sacred Office Space.

Do You Declutter?

Pooja Anand

Which Category Are You In:-
1. Energetic, lively, full of ideas, able to manifest what you want ?
2. Or you are lost, confused, stressed, anxiety levels high, not sure of what is happening in your life, not able to manifest what you want, stagnant energy ?

If Your Option is 2…. Then I would say you need to have a check on the space around you. How is it ? Organised or cluttered ?
95 % of the people would say cluttered…
Cluttered with papers, old clothes, mobile inbox full, ample of stuff which is not needed around..

Full Moon Energies…

Pooja Anand

Making the most out of the eclipse season by super charging yourself and crystals too
Forgive, Let Go, Help, Manifest and Energise…
(Moon Energies are powerful 2 days before the full moon and 2 days after the full moon too, so it can be done tomorrow too)

Do You Believe In Yourself?

Pooja Anand

Do you believe in yourself ?
Or you keep searching for validation and love externally ?
If yes, Then you’re looking in the wrong place.

The likes you receive on Instagram, Facebook, the reassuring comments from your family friends or colleagues in office telling you that

Are You Holding Onto Something Which You Should Let Go?

Pooja Anand

Nature Has Its Own Way Of Teaching Us So Many Things….

Its Beautiful To Spend Some Time In My Garden & Watch The Tress Grow And Learn From Them…

Have You Ever Wondered, Why Do Trees Shed Their Leaves Before Each Winter? What Would Happen If They Didn’t?

Trees Lose Their Leaves Every Autumn Because If They Didn’t They Would Die.

Amplify The Energy Using Crystal Pointers…

Pooja Anand

Do You Feel That No Matter What We Do, All Of Our Energy Is Spent In Vain?

If yes, then try out working with Crystal Pointers.

Instead of throwing your arms in the air and asking, “What’s the point,” grab hold of a crystal point and use the point. As one of the most versatile and beneficial energy tools a person can own, a crystal point is the perfect ally for when you need to focus and direct energy into your intentions. 

Use Crystals To Help You Sleep!!!

Pooja Anand

If you find you have trouble getting to sleep, then we may have the solution for you: crystals. Perhaps you’ve never thought of using them as a solution before, but you’d be surprised at how they can help.

So, if you find yourself tossing and turning through the night, then keep reading for a natural sleep solution.

Amethyst, Sodalite, Jade, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Selenite are the Most Powerful Crystals to Help You Sleep.