Theta Healing

Theta Healing is one of the most Powerful Energy-Healing Techniques. Theta Healing is a Process of Meditation that we believe creates Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Healing using the Theta Brain Wave. While in a pure Theta State of Mind, we are able to connect to the Creator of All That Is through Focused Prayer.

It is through the Creator of All That to that we learned how to create Physical Healing, Progress Spiritually, and Find a Path to Enlightenment. Theta Healing was born and proved its validation to Vianna through what she believes to be the spontaneous healing of her leg.

Theta Healing is usually administered in the form of Individual Sessions in which the practitioner sits directly opposite the person, and initially attends to the person by listening and using probing questions. They may Conduct a Session Long-Distance through Telephone or over the Internet via webcam and voice. The Theta Healing technique is based on the theory that the Beliefs in a Person’s Conscious and Unconscious Mind directly impact their Emotional Well-Being, which may impact their physical health. The practitioner uses a Method of Meditation which tunes into a Person’s Energy with the Aim to Improve their General Well-Being and Health by Freeing, as Vianna Stibal states, Negative Experiences, Blocking Thought Patterns or Genetically Inherited Patterns to Create Positive Emotional Well-Being. The Theta Healing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.